Blessings People of God!
This warning is for the instigator and the influenced. And somebody says, well, Shaneika what is an instigator in this situation? An instigator that God is referring to, the influenced that God is referring to first is that an instigator is a person that provokes or insights an action or course towards another person or another entity or a group of people.
And the influenced is the one that is being influenced by the instigator to carry out a task or an assignment. And so, as it relates to this warning, the Lord is saying that the instigator has been throwing rocks in hiding their hands.
The instigator has been giving their wicked agendas. They have been giving their assignments, they have been giving their deeds to another person or a group of people to carry out.
God is also saying that the instigator is actually the influence behind the slander that many of God’s people have been experiencing. The instigator is the influence behind the mockery. The instigator is the influence behind the lies.
The instigator is the influence behind loss, behind humiliation, and lack in the life of the believer. The Lord says that he is going to give a double portion judgment for the instigator based upon
Proverbs chapter six versus 16 through 19.
These six things doeth the Lord hate. Yay. Seven are an abomination unto him. A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood and heart that divisive wicked imaginations, feet that be swift and running to mischief, a false witness that speaketh lies and he that soweth the discord among brethren.
And also he’s holding the instigator responsible, not only for his or her own hands that threw the rocks in that situation or in that person’s life, but he is also holding the instigator responsible for the actions of the influence that carried out the instigator’s plots and plans. And the Lord is saying, as for the influenced, you will be strongly rebuked and corrected for your participation in such wicked deeds.
The Lord says many of you instigators and the influenced have already begun to see the consequences of your actions in your own lives.
The Lord says that some of you instigators and influenced, you’re experiencing health issues. You’re not understanding how come your health is not getting any better. Some of you are experiencing situations in your finances where they are not getting better.
The Lord says that some of you are dealing with sleep issues. You’re not able to sleep through the night, you’re having sleeping pattern issues.
And the Lord says some of you instigators and influenced are also dealing with matters of your mind. There is confusion there, there is torment going on in your minds, but God says that this is just the beginning. And he says that if you do not repent for your participation and throwing the rocks, God is saying that he is coming with the sword to clear the pathway of destruction that you instigators and the influenced have created for his people, says the Living God.
By Shaneika Byars-Glover (September 12, 2022)