ONLY a FEW Passed this Test during Passover 🙏🏿 (Prophetic Warning + Word 2 those that didn’t Pass)

pass test

Video Link: ONLY a FEW Passed this Test during Passover 🙏🏿 (Prophetic Warning + Word 2 those that didn’t Pass)

Glory to Jesus Christ!

The Lord wants me to release this warning slash word slash instructions. And as you all may be able to see the title of this message is God gave this test during Passover. And again, he wants to use me to deliver a prophetic warning, a word, and some directives to those that did not pass the test.

With that being said, we can understand that this word is not gonna be for every single person that listens to it. You all know my stance. Don’t come to me about God’s word. God requires for you to go to him concerning his word. Praise God. Why? Because I am just the messenger. I am just the vessel. You all know to take this word to God in prayer, test the spirit as directed in first John. Amen. And also, you know that I have a video in the description box that will give you some quick tips on how to test the spirit behind this word.

So people of God, this past week, many of us had the opportunity to treasure our freedom to treasure our deliverance from the land of Egypt and sin, which we know was made possible by the perfect sacrifice of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And the Bible says in first Corinthians chapter five-seven, people of God, and I’m just paraphrasing “get rid of the old yeast so that we may be unleavened, an unleavened batch, as we really are for Christ. Our Passover lamb has been sacrificed”. And this just means that Jesus Christ was the fulfillment of the lamb. Jesus Christ is our Passover. Hallelujah!

And so the Lord is saying that even though some of us know that we should be putting God first, each and every day that passes in our lives, he wanted to issue a test of loyalty. The Lord says that he issued a surprise test during the week of Passover to see if any of us would have a heart for Jesus, to see if any of us would have compassion for Jesus, to see if any of us had a willingness to put all of our desires aside and to serve him wholeheartedly this week because of the sacrifice that he made for us on the cross. Sometimes God will give us a heads up when a test is coming. But most of the time, people of God, the Lord’s test come by surprise. And the purpose of this particular test during Passover was to see if we had been retaining what God has been teaching us along the way. The purpose of the test was for God to see if we have the faith that we claim to have in the Lord. Somebody says, well, Shaneika what was the test? What does this test look like? Well, people of God, let me give you an example based off of what happened to me during the Passover week.

You guys know I released a message on Monday of last week and it was my every intention to release another word that week. But as I was trying to finish preparing the word that the Lord had already started to birth in me, I found myself being pushed back. And so, while I was trying to record God’s message, I kept getting blocked. And somehow, I knew this time that it wasn’t Satan. I knew that it was God. And so I prayed about it and I said, well, God, I have this word in my belly. I said this is what you call me to do. And I said, I know I have to release this word. I said, so can you tell me why I am hesitant? Can you tell me why it feels like I’m being blocked? And so the Lord answered and he said, beloved, I am not releasing you to speak this week. I don’t want you releasing any messages this week. I want you to stay in my presence this week. This week is all about me. And so that’s when I came back on my YouTube channel, letting you know that I was not going to be posting any more videos into the following week. So that is what happened. And so the time I spent with God was prayer time. I did some fasting and a lot of other things.

With that being said, the Lord is saying that that is what the command was that he had given many of you. Some of you had plans to do some things during the week that you would typically do. Some of you had assignments at actually that God had given you to do. Some of you actually had work that you had to do something that you felt like you were obligated to do for the week of Passover, but God summons you in your spirit. I don’t know if he gave you a dream or a vision or an utterance in your spirit, or if he spoke to you like he spoke to me and said, listen, this is not the week that I need for you to do what you normally do. It’s like God gave us a pass, not to do the things that we would typically do. So, people of God, I need for you to listen carefully. As I speak the word, as I speak the warning in God’s instructions, the word is that God wanted our primary focus to be on our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. God says the intimate time we spent with Jesus during Passover would have been the only way for many of us to receive insight, to receive our prophetic word, to get an answer to the prayer, or get an answer to the need or for God to reveal his secrets to us. The Lord says to repeat that, listen, people, God says the intimate time we spent with Jesus during Passover would have been the only way for us to receive insight, to receive our prophetic word, to get an answer to that prayer that we’re looking for, to get an answer to the need.

Why says the Lord? Because the week of Passover was supposed to be all about Jesus Christ, nothing more, nothing less, praise God. The Lord says some of us have made the week about our own desires. Some of us have made the week about what we wanted to hear or what we felt like we were supposed to have for ourselves, Instead of making Jesus, our main focus, instead of honoring Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins. God is also saying that there is a handful of you that will watch this message. And God says that you took the initiative to participate in actions that were done out of a spirit of greed, out of a spirit of competition, out of a spirit of trying to get ahead, out of a spirit of trying to utilize the time for your advantage. So God is saying here’s the warning.

God says, if you did not receive what you needed directly from Jesus in the week of Passover, you failed the test and you will receive your grade for it. You will receive a consequence for it. God says to repeat that. The Lord says, if you did not receive what you needed from Jesus directly from God, that means that you failed the test and you will receive your grade for it. You will receive a consequence for it. God is saying that this is what some of your grades are going to look like. Some of your grades are gonna look like a false prophecy that was spoken to you. What does that mean? God is saying that many of us were looking for a word during this time. Many of us were looking for a massage this time, but God is saying that it was not the time for you to receive your prophecy via outer, but that he wanted to give you the prophetic word directly during your time with him during Passover week. So God is saying that some of your grades are gonna look like a false prophecy that has been spoken over your life.

For some of you, God says your grade is going to look like a delay in something that you have been waiting on, a delay in a move that you’ve been waiting for God to give you the green light in, delay on something that you’re supposed to be receiving in your bank account or in your home or on your job. God is saying delay is going to be for many of you because you decided to seek outside of Jesus. And God is even saying, for some of you, your grade is gonna look like the loss of something. And God is saying that for some of you, your test grade is going to look like extended time in your wilderness. It’s gonna look like an extended period of time in your hidden place. Why? Because the Lord says that you sought out things for yourself. You sought out things for your own agenda, instead of keeping your focus on the lamb, our Passover, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. So that is the warning.

Now the Lord says that he has directives for you. God says I have instructions for you, child of God. He says, if you repent, as soon as you hear this message, if you repent as soon as your spirit is convicted during the time that you’re listening to this word right now, God says that he will allow for you to retake your test and give you partial credit. Meaning that you will still deal with the consequences of your actions but he says, if you repent wholeheartedly, your grade, and your outcome will be more favorable according to his will and his glory for your life. Amen. But God is saying that if you do not repent, your grade will be final within three days of hearing this message. God is saying, if you don’t repent, your grade will be final within three days of hearing this message. I even asked the Lord. I said, why three days, God. And guess what he said to me. He said that ain’t none of your business. You do what I tell you to do, release my message. Why am I telling you this? I’m telling you this because cause when God tells me to mind my business, and this is speaking from experience, people of God, that means that you need to take this message very seriously. This is a strong indication that God needs for you to take heed to this word. Hallelujah.


By: Shaneika Byars Glover (April 18, 2022)

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