Blessings people of God!
The Lord has been ministering to me in the most recent days concerning the number 4. I noticed the frequency intensified right after I released the first episode of my Read the bible with me series to which we started reading in the book of Genesis!
Also, this number happens to be directly correlated with certain events that happened in my life since 2018 leading up to this year 2022 which God revealed to me as contributing to my harvest!
So initially, I thought this was one of those words from God that was only for me but the Lord said Shaneika, I also want you to prophecy to your Brothers and Sisters. I will give you the message that is for them to hear.
With that said, this word is only intended for the group of people where the number 4 has been associated with your life in some way, but more specifically in the past few months, amen?
You guys know my stance, test the spirit behind this message. Do not come to me but Go to God if you have questions about todays word. It is your responsibility to seek God concerning all prophetic words, amen? I also have a video in the description box that will give you some easy tips on how to approach God concerning the message, okay?
I donβt know what this may look like for some of you but the Lord showed me that the number 4 is attached to you life.
As an example, it could be age, it could a year you got married, or will get married. It could be when you started or job, it could be time on your job, it could be associated with a time you have to wait for something or someone, or something like that. These are some examples to seek the Lord about in your alone time with God.
The Lord shared with me that outside of my on life, this connection to the number 4, has also been highlighted in your life more frequently than it has ever been in the last few months. In other words, when you see the connection with the number 4, you notice it, you stop and question or wonder why you might be seeing or noticing this connection to the number 4, right?
Some of you may have already went as far as seeking the Lord or another person that you trust concerning the frequency in which the number 4 keeps showing up in your life through certain people, circumstances, or just your observations.
So with that being said, let me prophecy the word of the Lord to those of you this word is for, amen?
Genesis 1:3-5 says:
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
Upon reading these verses, we can clearly perceive the power of Gods words with him being the only one that has the power to COMMAND the creation of time, right?
Now letβs look at Habakkuk 2:3which says:
3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.
Upon reading this verse, God has not only set an appointed time to complete His work through Israel, but He also has His set time to fulfil His specific plans through the Church
So somebody says well Shaneika what does this have to do me, what does this have to do with this word?
This has to do with you, because when the Bible gives us prophecy, it is without a shadow of a doubt that the word is right and true and the events described in the word will come to pass, just as it is written.
Listen carefully People of God as I release the Gods word.
The Lord says, this is your appointed time and finally there will be no more delays.
Let me repeat that.
God says this is your appointed time and there will be no more delays.
The number 4 is associated with what will come to pass in your life, says the Lord.
The Lord says for some of you, after God releases you from the slingshot, when God releases you from the hidden place, into your new, into your elevation, into your shift, into your seat at the table of influence, these things will be attached to the number 4.
God says many of you have written the vision down, made it plain, and it is connected to the number 4.
God says, some of you have had dreams and utterances in your spirit concerning the number for and its connection to your special prayer. Some of you saw the number 4 and remembered what God promised you.
People of God, I also saw a letter, email, or text message that is attached to the number 4 and your next step in the process.
God says this is your appointed time and there will be no more delay concerning the matter and the number 4.
Why says the Lord?
Because I am the one that appoints times and seasons, I am the one who honors my promises, I am the one that will bring my own words to pass in your life, I am God, says the Lord.
Bring all your petitions to me and I will answer you, says the Lord.
So that is the word from the Lord today.
People of God, as God stated in this word today, bring your petitions to him in prayer and allow for God to reveal the number 4 and how it may associated with what God wants to give you, okay?
Remember this word is not for everyone, so always Go to God and test, amen?
By: Shaneika Byars Glover (May 16, 2022)