IMPORTANT Prophetic Word: God Stripped me 🤦🏽‍♀️ [Here is why!]


Video Link: IMPORTANT Prophetic Word: God Stripped me 🤦🏽‍♀️ [Here is why!]

Hello brothers. Hello, sisters in Christ.

I hope that you all are well in the Lord. As always, I’m honored to be your sister. And I thank you for coming to hear what the Lord is saying. This is gonna be a very brief prophetic message. And this is for all of my sisters and brothers that are going through a level of spiritual warfare that you’ve never seen before. And this is even after you feel like you’ve done all that you can do to stand. You’ve been reading your Bible, you’ve been fasting. You have been obedient to God, according to your perspective. You feel as though you’ve been doing everything the way you’re supposed to be doing it but yet you still seem to be struggling. You still don’t see any improvement.

If anything, it looks like stuff is getting worse rather than better. And you’re trying to understand why and you wholeheartedly feel like you are doing everything that God is telling you to do. So listen, let me give you a testimony. Three days ago, something happened and I responded to it. It wasn’t the best response, but I responded to it. And I began to hear the Lord kind of shouting, like in my ears, he began to bring to my attention how I responded to the situation. And he started to have me look at what I said and how I did it. And I look and I thought, Hmm. And I really didn’t see anything wrong, people of God, with what I said or how I responded because in the past this same situation, I would’ve been mad for days. I would’ve been mad for weeks. It would’ve taken me a lot longer to overcome it. And so when I responded to this situation the way I did this time, I didn’t think that there was anything wrong with it because I didn’t really hold onto it. It was like a few minutes, I got a little irritated with it and then I left it alone. Then I went back and then I saw it again and then I got a little irritated with it but it wasn’t something that I necessarily held onto for a long period of time. I think I went through that back and forth for like a day. And then after that, it was over.

But God said that that was insufficient and that he was not pleased because God said that I should not have even responded to the situation the way I did. And so I’m saying that to say this, people of God, the Lord had to correct and rebuke me that day, I had to repent and God had to give me some examples of how he needed for me to respond in the future to situations that were similar. People of God, the Lord is saying that some of you are doing what you’re supposed to be doing, but there is something that is small, that is in your life that you feel that God delivered you from you don’t see a problem with the way you respond to it. Maybe you don’t respond the way you used to. Maybe it’s not as bad as it used to be or something like that. But God is saying that this specific thing that you do, you still do it. He says it’s not as bad as it used to be, but you still do it. Your response is not exactly the same as it used to be, but you still respond. God is saying that this particular area of your life is what’s holding up the breakthrough. It’s what’s holding up the process.

God is saying that this particular way that you respond, this particular way that you speak is not out of you. God is saying that he has to tear something out of you. There is something that you have not been fully delivered from. There is a way that you have not completely turned away from. There is a response that God is saying that you cannot have. The way you responded was better, but it is still insufficient. God is saying that when this circumstance presents itself to you in your life in whatever way that it comes, God is saying that the expectation that he has of you is that you do not respond at all. That it doesn’t make you upset that it doesn’t make you second guess yourself. That it doesn’t make you think twice that it doesn’t make you get mad. That it doesn’t make you hold onto your feelings and your emotions. That it doesn’t make you question what God is doing. That it doesn’t make you question how far you have come in Christ. That it doesn’t make you question that you are in the right place. God is saying that there is something that he is trying to tear out of you, child of God. You are holding onto something that he has to tear out of you.

God says that when this situation arises again, for some of you, because this is what’s holding you up from moving forward, God is saying that he’s going to bring it to your attention. And God is saying that when he brings it to your attention, he needs for you to be corrected immediately. He needs for you to recognize it immediately. And he needs for you to repent immediately, because God is saying that, although it is small to you, although you don’t necessarily see it as being a problem, God is saying that it is a problem. God is saying that it’s going to hinder your progress in your promoted place. It’s going to hinder your progress in the place that God is going to position you at his table. It is going to hinder your progress in the position that he is giving you in the kingdom of God. It is going to hinder your progress in your marriage. It’s going to hinder your progress in your business or in your ministry. God is saying to go back and look at it again. God is saying, go back and look at it again. It is something small that you don’t see as being a problem. But God is saying that it is a huge problem. God is saying that you have not been completely delivered from this, that you have not overcome this. You still have feelings about it. It still bothers you. You still get mad. You still get an attitude. You still walk in circles around your house. Hallelujah.

God is saying that you have to be rid of this. God is saying, allow for him to strip you of this. Some of you are in your hidden places right now. And this is the very thing that God is trying to strip out of you. God is saying that you keep walking around that mountain. God is saying, you keep going back and forth. God is saying that you are missing it, but it is something that he has corrected you on in the past. It’s something that he talked about to you in the past, it is something that has been a problem for you in the past. And even though your response is not as aggressive or not as intense, God is saying that it is still in you and God is saying that he got to break off of you because God says you can’t take this with you. God says, if you take this with you, it is going to completely hinder your progress. Hallelujah.

So guys, the instruction from the Lord is this, pray tonight. Ask God, Lord, what is it that is holding me back? What is that small thing that I can’t recognize? What is that little thing that I have not been completely delivered from? Father God, show me the error in my ways so I can ask for forgiveness and so that I can repent. God says, when this thing presents itself to you, how you know you are stripped is when you don’t respond, it’s when you don’t recognize it. And God says that is when you know that you have been successful in your hidden place. You have allowed God to shape and mold you and you are ready to rule and reign, hallelujah, in your next level of promotion. Do you hear the word of the Lord, people of God?


By: Shaneika Byars Glover (April 9, 2022)

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